300+ Reps in the Kettlebell Snatch Test?!? Check This Out...
"Who Else Wants the Secrets of Moving FAST as a Panther, Having the Conditioning of a Locomotive and Dominating the Kettlebell Snatch?"
Get Started Now in these 100% FREE Videos
Discover tricks and techniques from someone who has done 301 snatches with the 24kg kettlebell in 10 minutes. (Proof on the next page)
Why SPEED is the best answer, and how it can melt fat off your body and make you as sleek and muscular as a panther.
Build ‘Locomotive Breath’. When you can snatch like this everything else is easy.
The Hardstyle vs. GS debate answered…
High vs. Low Swings and Snatches – How you might just be doing it wrong.
Plus a lot more and some good ol’ fun 😉
There’s a reason people love my stuff. Nowhere else will you find the kettlebell snatch broken down into all the easy to learn components. You’ll find tons of different snatch tips and drills on these 100% free videos.
You’ll become faster, more enduring, shed fat and have dramatically better technique just by applying what you’re about to learn. Enter your email above and get started today.
In strength,
Logan Christopher
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